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The Yellowstone Wolf Family Tree

The largest and most unique family tree on with over 900 human guests and featuring the life stories and genealogy of over 1,300 Yellowstone wolves!  From the founding wolves of 1995 & 1996 to those wolves you see on Yellowstone National Park’s landscape today, this is your free and open-to-the-public internet and mobile source to the history of Yellowstone wolves!



After you send in your request, there is one more step: will send you an invitation and you only have 7 days to accept that invitation and create an Ancestry account in order to access the Tree. ​​

To become a guest with free access to the tree, send an email message to with your first and last name and mailing address.

(Your address is used for data purposes only, and will not be shared in any way.)


The Yellowstone Wolf Family Tree gratefully acknowledges the support of The 06 Legacy, without whom ongoing updates to the continuing history of Yellowstone wolves might not be possible.

To donate directly to these efforts by The 06 Legacy, go to their website and indicate Yellowstone Wolf Family Tree in the "On Behalf Of" section. Thank you. 

Yellowstone Wolf Family Tree: Portfolio

Central to the knowledge base of Yellowstone wolves is the Yellowstone Wolf Project.
If the reader sees a fact, somehow it is related to or derived from the efforts of personnel at the Yellowstone Wolf Project. It is important to note that one biologist or person may report ideas or findings that are, in fact, the result of many researchers and volunteers collaborating with the Wolf Project and with the Yellowstone Wolf Family Tree. To each of the volunteers, official and non-official, who helped, especially for their long, cold hours, we also give special thanks. We thank everyone who has contributed to the historical development of ideas, concepts, and research.

Nez Perce Pack
Yellowstone Wolf Family Tree: Portfolio

Thank you to the following photographers who have provided photos for the Yellowstone Wolf Family Tree:

Josh Able * Julie Argyle * Scott Brovsky * Brian Burrus * Susan Carberry * Linda Rudge Carney * Melba Coleman * Doug Dance * Nolan Darr * Jim Futterer * Krisztina Gayler * Stacy Gessler * Panzer Gnauck * Jim Halfpenny * Michelle Holihan * Ross Hutchinson * Pat Jennings * Sian Jones * Steve Justad * Brooke Kapalka * JoJo Kaul * Russ Kehler * Ray Laible * Bob Landis * Leo Leckie * Kathie Lynch * Doug McLaughlin * Mark Miller * Waldo Montgomery * Shane Morrison * National Park Service * Carter Niemeyer * Karin Occhialini * Jim Peaco * Mark Steven Perry * Taylor Rabe * Jeffrey Reed, The Cry Wolf Project * Hannah Rheaume * Carol Scopinich & Carl Leadaman * Neil Simmons * Sandy Sisti * Doug Smith * Matt Sorum * Richard Spratley * Dan Stahler * Evan Stout * Jeremy Sunderaj * Michael Sypniewski * David Taylor * Connie Troutman * Kim Turner * Jort Vanderveen * Max Waugh * Jon Way * Bob Weselmann * Yellowstone National Park * Yellowstone Wolf Project

Yellowstone Wolf Family Tree: Portfolio

Thank you to the following donors who have graciously
supported the development of the Yellowstone Wolf Family Tree:

The 06 Legacy

Karol Miller

Tracy Arthur * Kathleen Betters * Marilyn Mills
Darrell Baldwin * Warren Bergholz * Laura Colby * Sara Cope * Robert J. Cutrupi * Denny Emory * Stephanie Holeve * Darrin Moret * Loretta Stadler * Virginia Wolfe

Joy Carlough * LaRita Desimpel * Gary Hoshiyama & Patricia Wood * Russ Kehler * Dorothy des Lauriers * Chaud Richards * Jo Richards * Curt Starr * Lisa Trankley

Candace Allen * Alan Bair * Joni Campbell * Cathy Correa * Mica Costerousse * Linda Distlehorst * David Egan * Carolyn Golba * Wayne Hall * Mike Kenyon * Thomas Major * Adrian Papazian * Denise Parker * Jack Rantowich * Palma Rhoades * Tom Robertson * Linda Seaman * Simon Shaw * Jeanne Muellner Stacey * John & Tricia Wardlaw * West Yorkshire

Anonymous * Denny Arter * Steve Bruckner * Reve & Susan Carberry * Sue Gallagher * Sandy Hruby * Joe Kaisler * Jeremy Kett * Melody Moorehouse * Sandy & Bob Nye * Carrie Peterson * Mary Price * Charlie Pyle * Pixie Siebe * Theresa Tibbels

Ralph Alley * George & Susan Andrews * Anonymous * Gary Barrett * Vivian Bast * Theresa Bielawski * Lori Boone * Jane Britton * Harold Brown * Leonard Carolan * Susan G. Clark * Mrs. Ulle L. Clark * John Collins
Dylan Corbin * Courtney Cordray * Colette Daigle-Berg * Pamela Doidge * Alexa Donovan-Bowers * Connie & Tom Dotzenrod * Karen Enderson * Patricia Escoto * Amy & Rich Fowler * John R. Gann * Nancy Gentzel * Mike Harris * Bob & Nell Harvey * Kevin Hays * Kimber Hendrix * Mark Hudnall * Keren M. Humphrey * Sarah Jackson * David James * Jill Jaynes *Bree Jashin * Connie Medlock Jeffcoat * Bill Kappa * Rob Lawrence * Liz Leckie * Wendy Lien * James Lofgren * Marcia Maroon * Deborah Marsden * Dana McDaniel * Dennis McLevaine * Teresa Meachum * Jennifer Miller * Kent R. Morby * Robyn Mosier * David Noland * Edyta Nowak * David & Stephanie Oglesby * Allen Ollis * Donna & Jim Onstott * Elyse Panici * Martha Poggi * Theresa Potts * Sheila Redman * Ron Schuyler * Cindy Slagel * West Sussex * Linda Thurston * J.H. van Minnen * Art Van Rensselaer * Nathan Varley * Cathy Waxler * Honey Wayton * Anne Willard * Wolf Park Inc. * Karen Wolfe * Valerie Yakemchuk * Mark Zborowski

Anonymous * Kathy Adams * Julie Argyle * Susan Babich * Doug & Paula Bartel * Norm Bishop * Tyler Brasington * Heidi Clark * Vivien Clark * Tammi Corchero * Alicia Crabbe * Ruth W. Crocker * Nanda Current * Hugh Curtis * Terry Deal * David & Sharon Dunn * Rags Edward * Emily Engelman * Chloe Fessler * James Floyd * Lisa Frevert * Christy Gerrits * Marshall & Linda Glenn * Thomas Gootz * Anne Griggs * Robert Hansen * Michaela Harper * Shirlee Harris * Lindsey Hinmon * In Our Nature Guiding Services * Dona Just * Dana Kellogg * Josephine Kelsey * Kevin Krasnow * Joanna Lambert * April Landale * Scott Landale * Barbara Lee * Judy Lehmberg * Karla Leithoff * Grace Lossman * Jean Macleod * Rick & Cindy Matzick * Bill & Karen Miles * Christine Millsaps * Vicki Minahan * Mami Morita * Laura Nix * Sandra Nykerk * Karin Occhialini * Sally Owen-Still * Beth Phillips * Kathy Powell * Doug Sangster * Robert Schmidt * John Scott * Debbie Shepherd * Marlene Sigman * Patricia Stock * Gloria Straube * Douglass Swanson * Kerry Tappel * Debra Taylor * Sue Timm * Chad Traci & Zac Arnold * Teresa Van * Anita Varley * Deanna Wehrung * Jeff White * Gary Zylkuski

Gloria Altieri * Angel Amaya * Joan Amero * Anonymous * Leslie Bailey * Pamela Baillio * Charles Barnett * Shauna Baron * Debra Beaver * Tema Bennett * Debra Borowski * Steve Brewer * Vicki Brown * Vicki Buckrop * Erwin Burema * William Busta * Cindy Campbell * Marissa Carter * Janet Caruso * Christy Chaney * Aimee Chlebnik * Janine Clemmons * Karen Collander * Niki Conrad * Kevin Cox * Nancy Curtis * Pati Douglas * Elizabeth Downey * Michael Dressel * Michele Eckhardt * Tiffany Elliott * Diane Ellis * Karlene Fry * Virginia Garland * Doris Glassberg * Terry Graham * Emerald Gustowt * Greg Guthenberg * Bill Hargenrader * Gero Heine *M. Heiter * Jan Hodge * Joan Holzer * Steve Horan * Denise Hughett * John T. Humphrey * Juan Ibarra * Barbara E. James * Dennis Jeffers * Sian Jones * Susan Jones * Randy Knaggs * Susan Krueger * Krystal * Elizabeth Lambert * Dave & Marcia Lamkin * Rick Lamplugh * Steve Laughrun * Lauren Levine * Libby McLaren & Robin Flower * Karen Lyon * Martie Maires * Betsy Hollenbaugh Martin * David Marx * Melissa McKibben * Catherine Moore * Elizabeth Moroney * Michael Murphy * Launce Mustoe * Scott Newth * Mark Ode * Tom O'Dowd * Pat Owsley * Ellen Paisal * Jim Piani * Christina Picchi * Debbie Pierce * Ilona Popper * Carolyn Preston * John McKean Pruitt * Jeanne Rasmussen * Susan Rhem-Westhoff * Tyrene Riedl * Norma Roberts * Clay Rouse * Victoria Samuel * Eliza Schmidt * Diane Schultz * Robert M. Sciolino * Ed Shapland * Bill Shell * Jill Shultz * Monty Sloan * Walt Snover * Massimo Sommacal * Janet Sorrell * Ron Sterbenz * Nikki Stine * Mary Strickroth * Winston Thomas * Thomas Thorp * Mike Tillmans * David Titley * Kaylyn Van Ostran * Diane Walker * Nancy Warren * Katsumi Watanabe * Melodie Watley * Luann Watson * Abigail West * Shelley Wolfe * Nancy Wracher * Joyce Wycoff

Yellowstone Wolf Family Tree: Portfolio
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